Our Pledge

The success of the Northwest Unified Schools is built upon the pledge (pwon) that every student, teacher, principal, parent, community must take every school day as part of our daily reminder of our common commitment to each other. This pledge will be translated into our local language.

Student Pledge

I, __________ (your name), promise to do my best to make mature and the right decisions, holding myself accountable to a high standard of integrity, hard work, and commitment to excellence. I promise to do my best to understand and respect my personal responsibilities, my freedom of expression, my duty to serve others and my school, the proper care for properties and the environment in which I share with others. I pledge to do the best of my God-given abilities to live in peace and harmony with my fellow students at ________ (school name), the community on _______ (island name), and our beloved Northwest region always respecting myself, others, and our traditional values and cultures.

Staff Pledge

I, __________________ (your name), promise to serve as a role model of excellence, to do my best to prepare students to make mature and informed decisions, providing moral guidance to students to help them make the right decisions, and setting the standards for integrity, hard work, and commitment to excellence in my classroom and outside of the classroom. I promise to help students understand and respect their personal responsibilities, their freedom of expression, their call to service, the proper care for properties and the environment in which we share, and the ways to live in peace and harmony in a community, respecting our traditional values and cultures.

Community Pledge

We promise to ensure that the school operates from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, to ensure that students are in school, to expect the highest quality services from the principal and teachers, and the students to perform at their highest level, to put in the time and effort to learn how to help our students to learn, and to sacrifice our comfort to help teachers do their work and students to learn, and we promise to make the education of our children as our first and most important priority.